Pursuant to Chapter II of Law 34/2002, LSSICE, we inform you that this website is the property of LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA, henceforth also the Provider, with registered office at Pol. Ind Las Marismas, Parc. 1029 41740 LEBRIJA (Seville), with ID Tax No. F41074202, telephone number 974429911, and email .
As the Provider of this website, and pursuant to current legislation on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on protection of personal data (LOPD) and Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (LSSICE), LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA has implemented the technical and organisation measures set out in Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 (which develops the LOPD) to ensure the security of the data and protect its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Pursuant to the LOPD, LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA informs you that the data voluntarily provided to us through this website shall be stored in our information systems for use in appropriate commercial and administrative interactions with the Users of the website. The intended interactions in which this data shall be processed include (1) provide feedback to inquiries and/or information requested by the User; (2) deliver services and/or products contracted or subscribed by the User; (3) conduct activities that fall under the purview of LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA pursuant to this legal notice; and (4) send website’s newsletter.
The undersigned guarantees the veracity of the data provided, and undertakes to notify any changes thereof.
The Provider shall indicate with an asterisk (*) the mandatory fields that the User must fill in on the contact form and the information required. By entering the information in the form, the User gives his or her express consent to LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA for processing the data provided for the purposes stated above.
Failure to provide the requested personal data or to accept this data protection policy shall prevent the User from subscribing, registering or receiving information about the Provider’s products and services.
Pursuant to current legislation on protection of personal data, the Provider complies with all provisions of the GDPR and LOPD on processing of personal data under their control, in particular with the principles set out in Art. 5 of the GDPR and Art. 4 of the LOPD, which state that (1) personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject, and (2) adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
The PROVIDER guarantees that he or she has implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures under GDPR and LOPD to protect the Users’ rights and freedoms.
Pursuant to these regulations, we inform you that you may exercise your right of access to, rectification, erasure and data portability, and restriction and opposition to the processing of your data. Requests to exercise this right must be addressed, in writing to Pol. Ind Las Marismas, Parc. 1029 41740 LEBRIJA (Seville), or via email to , indicating “LOPD, ARCO Rights” in the subject line. Please attach a photocopy of your ID or similar legal ID document, as required by law. You may withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the data processed prior to such withdrawal. You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority (agpd.es) if you consider that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated.
The information shall be treated as confidential. The Provider has taken all necessary technical and organisational measures to protect and safeguard the security and integrity of the processed data, and to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration, or unauthorised access to such personal data, in accordance with the state of technology and nature of the stored data. The Provider also ensures that said data will be processed and stored in files, programs, systems, equipment, premises and centres that meet the requirements and conditions of integrity and security set out in current regulations.
LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA will not transfer personal data to third parties except as required by law. However, in the event that the data is transferred to a third party, we shall request prior, express consent for each transfer. The entity responsible for the database, as well as any other entity involved in any stage of data processing and/or any entity to which the data has been disclosed -always with prior authorisation by the User-, are bound by professional secrecy and shall implement the technical and organisational measures to protect and ensure the security of personal data, avoiding, to the extent possible, unauthorised access, unlawful changes, and data loss or theft, with a view to ensuring that the level security of the Provider’s files is appropriate to the nature and sensitivity of data provided by the Users of this website.
The User declares that he or she has been informed of the conditions for the protection of personal data, and accepts and consents to the automated processing thereof by LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA in the form, and for the purposes, stated in this Personal Data Protection Policy.
We inform you through this Privacy Policy that the photographs posted on the website are property of LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA, including those of minors, for which prior consent has been obtained from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who shall have signed the appropriate consent forms drafted by the centres, of which the minors are members. However, the parents, guardians or representatives of the minors, as holders of parental responsibility of the child, may refuse the right to use the image of the minor, after receiving a request for prior written consent. In this case, the image must be pixelated.
The user is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the information provided to LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA., exonerating the Provider from any liability thereof. In any case, Users shall guarantee and be responsible for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and shall undertake to keep them properly updated. The User undertakes to provide complete and accurate information in the registration or subscription form.
LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA reserves the right to update, modify or remove information contained on the website, even limiting or denying access to said information.
LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA shall not be held liable for information contained on third-party websites that may be accessed through “links” included in website(s) owned by the Provider.
The “links” are for information purposes only and, in no case, does it imply any suggestion, invitation, or acknowledgement thereof.
In the event that the User wishes to subscribe to our blog, we will send you a notice of update informing you that any information provided will be processed to manage your subscription, and that said information will be retained as long as a mutual interest exists to maintain the purpose of the data processing. Once this processing is no longer necessary for such purposes, the data will be deleted using appropriate security measures to warrant the pseudonimisation of the data and total destruction thereof. No data will be disclosed to third parties except as required by law.
In the event that the user wishes to participate in the forums on our website, the data provided will be processed to manage your participation. Any registration or transmission of personal data provided by the User in these forums implies implicit knowledge and acceptance of the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy available on the website. The data shall be retained as long as a mutual interest exists to maintain the purpose of the data processing, and once this processing is no longer necessary for such purposes, the data will be deleted using appropriate security measures to warrant the pseudonimisation of the data and total destruction thereof. All posts will be publicly available to the Users of the online forum.
In the event that the User wishes to publish their opinion on the website, the information provided will be processed to address the proposed suggestions, experiences or opinions on products and/or services, which shall be published on the website to help other Users. The data shall be retained as long as a mutual interest exists to maintain the purpose of the data processing, and once this processing is no longer necessary for such purposes, the data will be deleted using appropriate security measures to warrant the pseudonimisation of the data and total destruction thereof. Only the first name of the person who gives a testimonial will be published on our website.
LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA reserves the right to modify this policy to address changes to legislation or jurisprudence.
Pursuant to the LSSICE, LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA does not send SPAM, i.e. it does not send unsolicited or unauthorised commercial e-mails to the User. Consequently, the User is given the chance to opt-in or opt-out of our Newsletter, regardless of the commercial information that he or she may occasionally request.
For all intents and purposes, the relationship between LAS MARISMAS DE LEBRIJA SCA and the Users of the data transmission services on this website shall be governed by Spanish legislation and jurisdiction, to which the parties expressly submit. Any disputes arising from or concerning this website shall be referred for determination to the Courts and Tribunals of Huesca.