The CHG approves a water supply of up to cubics meters per hectare.

The plenary session of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Demarcation Reservoir Commission has approved a reservoir of 1,100 cubic hectometres to irrigate the crops of the General Regulation System during this season, which will end on 30 September.

The presidency of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation has appealed to the need to make good use of water, recalling the critical situation that the reserves were going through before the month of February, when heavy rainfall began in Spain. In fact, the endowment foreseen in the last Desembalse Commission, held on 26 February, was 600 cubic hectometres, an amount that has almost doubled thanks mainly to these rainfalls, which allowed the General Regulation System to go in two months from 24. 7%, in a state of emergency, to 57. 94, in a state of pre-alert.

With regard to endowments, a limit of 5,000 cubic metres per hectare has been approved at the headwaters of large irrigable areas, or at the point of capture of individual concessions, or the maximum established in the concession for each use if it is less than this value. The volume to be released and the allocations considered will begin to be taken into account on 1 May. The irrigation season will finish on 30 September.


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